Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2025). “The importance of impacts in Mars crater degradation: Predictions for atmospheric filtering of small impactors.” Icarus 429, 116436.

  2. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2024). “Shape-from-shading refinement of LOLA and LROC NAC digital elevation models: Applications to upcoming human and robotic exploration of the Moon,” in Results and Exploration of Lunar Science by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission. The Planetary Science Journal 5, 124.

  3. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2023). “Inverted fluvial channels in Terra Sabaea, Mars: Geomorphic evidence for proglacial paleolakes and widespread highlands glaciation in the Late Noachian–Early Hesperian.” Planetary and Space Science 225, 105621.

  4. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2022). “Constraining early Mars glacial conditions from paleodischarge estimates of intracrater inverted channels.” Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2022GL101227.

  5. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2022). “Pit-floored craters and layered terrains in the circum-Hellas region, Mars: Morphology, topography, stratigraphy, and relation to Late Noachian–Early Hesperian climate.” Planetary and Space Science 222, 105574.

  6. A. Arredondo, A. Hodges, J.N.H. Abrahams, C.C. Bedford, B.D. Boatwright, J. Buz, C. Cantrall, J. Clark, A. Erwin, S. Krishnamoorthy, L. Magaña, R.M. McCabe, E.C. McIntosh, J.L. Noviello, M. Pellegrino, C. Ray, M.J. Styczinski, P. Wiegel (2022). “VALENTInE: A Concept for a New Frontiers–Class Long-duration In Situ Balloon-based Aerobot Mission to Venus.” The Planetary Science Journal 3, 152.

  7. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2022). “Noachian proglacial paleolakes on Mars: Regionally recurrent fluvial activity and lake formation within closed-source drainage basin craters.” The Planetary Science Journal 3, 38.

  8. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2021). “A Noachian proglacial paleolake on Mars: Fluvial activity and lake formation within a closed-source drainage basin crater and implications for early Mars climate.” The Planetary Science Journal 2, 52.

  9. A.M. Palumbo, A.N. Deutsch, M.S. Bramble, J.D. Tarnas, B.D. Boatwright, L.H. Lark, E.M. Nathan, J.A. Wilner, Y. Chen, B.A. Anzures, C.A. Denton, L. Tokle, G. Casey, A.G. Pimentel, J.W. Head, K.R. Ramsley, U. Shah, A. Kothandhapani, H.P. Gokul, J. Mehta, V. Vatsal (2019). “Scientific exploration of Mare Imbrium with OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the regional volcanic history of the Moon.” New Space 7, 137-150.

  10. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2019). “Simulating early Mars hydrology with the MARSSIM landform evolution model: New insights from an integrated system of precipitation, infiltration, and groundwater flow.” Planetary and Space Science 171, 17-33.

Recent FIRST-AUTHOR Abstracts

  1. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2025). “New Topographic Data Products for Ina Irregular Mare Patch and Hadley–Apennine Region, Moon.” LPSC 56, #1075.

  2. B.D. Boatwright (2023). “Improved Workflow and Automation of CTX and HiRISE Stereo DEM Production with USGS ISIS and Ames Stereo Pipeline.” 6th Planetary Data Workshop, #7009.

  3. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2023). “Hellas Basin Witness Plate: Sequence and Timing of Altitude-Dependent Glacial Features on Early Mars.” LPSC 54, #1248.

  4. B.D. Boatwright and J.W. Head (2023). “New Volume Estimates and Timing of Proglacial Lake Formation in a Noachian Closed-Source Drainage Basin Crater.” LPSC 54, #1162.